Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Just a simple reminder.... PRAY. Oh God hear our prayers

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Where can we confess?

He did a good one, my best preacher shared a good sermon on Sunday. In a Nut shell he said - We need to confess our sins to one another and be real with one another about our struggles. That is what this blog is really about, being real, me being real and hoping to spur you on to be real as well.
I was at prayer meeting this morning and it was really special to me because at one point in the prayer time we all began to confess or sins, spurred on by Ben's sermon and by one another's confessions. I felt God draw closer to us and I felt us draw closer to one another. We can relate to one another's confessions because we are all sinners and we all struggle to do what is right.
If you didn't hear the sermon, here is the link to the audio( If September 30 is not listed yet then check back later)
I think the big question for those that want to be obedient to God's word is where can we confess our sins to one another. We don't want be awkward or weird about it, I would hope for a place that feels natural and conducive for confession. Our church doesn't seem to have a venue for confession. That is why I was so excited for this prayer meeting today. So prayer meetings could be good places to confess, where else could we confess?