It's one of those things I like to do, ask questions. I have mentioned before how "why" is a question I love to ask. so with that in mind..... As I was reading in Deuteronomy the other day, I saw the "confusing" and "ununifiedness" of the old testament and the new testament God, or at least in his laws and expectations. I've noticed this before but this time I wanted answers. How can our God command the fighting he does in the OT when Jesus commands us to live peacefully? And they are one. There are many things like this that confuse me. How does this work and why does it happen? Well after reading this particular day I turned to God for an answer because He in fact does have the answer. Well the answer I got was not what i expected and came to me about like this "I didn't come to you to give you answers but that my Glory might be displayed." Well I love God so much and Jesus is my friend, I don't care what inconsistencies I seem to find in Him. The experience I have in knowing Him and being with Him far our weigh the need for answers and the doubt the I sometimes find. I will still ask the questions even when I don't find the answer I am looking for because honestly the answer he gave really brings back to perspective the heart of it. That is what I needed to hear.
Jesus prayed "Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world." John 17:24
Challenge - Ask God the questions you have and listen to his answers you will be blessed.