Saturday, June 16, 2007


What do you think it means to live simply? Should it be an aim in life?
Simple and content what would that look like?


Anonymous said...

Me and Rashell thought about it and we think a simple life would be for example living without wanted things like a computer,t.v. and other technology .Yes we would be able to live but not in a comfortable way. And in this time on earth living that way would be impracticle. Living a content life would also not work until JESUS would come. Because as long as we live on earth are sinful self will not allow us to live content. Are sinful self will alway's want to thrive for more, even though we try to resist this feeling we will never be able to succeed.So in closing I commend people who try to live these way's, but I think to live this way, one would have to be living it either to the extreme side or not so extreme. If you've alway's lived that way from birth it might be possible but if you decide now to try it, we think it would be impossible. That's what we think, how abought you?

Sister C said...

Maybe you are right about the things like electronics. Simplicity may also mean a lot more not driving so much, having less clothes in the closet, not letting Christmas/birthday's or other holidays be about the gifts, sharing more of our time and resources with neighbors and friends. I think to learn to live with less would be good for most of us. SO yes it can be an aim as long as that aim does not take away form the aim to be Christ like. I think Jesus could have had a lot more in life but he chose to live simply. times have changed and I think some things though they may not have been 20 or more years ago have become necessary in our culture like a computer or TV, it is our way to connect and communicate. I suppose that could lead to justifying a lot of things.
As for content, I think we can be content in this life. It is our choice to be constantly seeking more more more or to say if this is all the stuff I will have all my life, I will be content. I am not saying i have arrived at that but I think we can be content with simple. John you talked about sin and yes we will always fight against that and so in heaven we will find our only rest from that. Thanks for responding John and Rashell.