Thursday, November 20, 2008

The presence of God

This day has been a wonderful day. It's not about what I did but it's about the feeling in this day, it's about God in this day. Maybe it started yesterday or the day before but I feel it for sure today. I feel so at peace with God, so full and full filled. It's like I am in the most perfect spot in my life, I am at the look out on a long hike and I can see a breathtaking view. I actually feel so good it is almost overwhelming, like I am not sure I can stand it for too much longer. Maybe it is the spiritual residue from the Tuesday evening "Encourage to Freedom", all those people who prayed for the evening and who are still praying for it's effect in women's lives. Maybe it's the feeling of doing the will of God (As i really know I did His will by sharing the other night). This feeling is the presence of God, I want to keep it and never take it for granted. I am in awe of God! In utter awe of His miraculous ways! In awe of His grace to allow me to have this beautiful day.
This is the day that the Lord has made!

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