Monday, July 12, 2010

Looking Back

Hey a big hello and thanks to all of you who have been following along for the past month or so. Thanks for all the prayers you prayed and times you cried or celebrated with us as we experienced so many things. Now that I am back in Canada I want to back track a little and write some stories from my journal that I could not write while we were in Myanmar and Thailand, or didn't have time to write. I also hope the kids will let me write some things they wrote in their journals, as a way of sharing the trip from another point of view. I also hope to start putting up a few pictures, maybe video clips as well. So check back soon for journal entries and pictures.
This week we are with Ben's family in Langley while Ben does homework from his class he took before we left Altona.

Prayer requests
- That we would find a good video editing program for our video we captured and that as we prepare for sharing opportunities about our trip, that we would do so to the glory of God.
- Ben be efficient with his time for Homework, and that he can actually do it, without getting too distracted by the rest of us having fun:)

Answers to Prayer
- Ben is feeling well
- we all adjusted back to Canada time

How I'm feeling
- Happy for the kids to play with their cousins
- cold (I'm used to the heat now and 24 feels cool)

1 comment:

Jo Funk said...

So glad you guys made it back safe and sound! Send Ben some encouragement from me! I know how hard it is to study while everyone else is having fun, but he can do it and I promise him it will be worth it in the end!!! :)

Once you guys are back in Altona and settled back into a routine and when we're out I'd love to have coffee and catch up! Let me know.