Saturday, March 08, 2008


Maybe only Ben and my mom know this about me but now you all know it too. I get obsessed. It only takes a small idea or thought about something; a trigger goes in my brain and BAM! I can't stop thinking about that idea or plan or project or person. It happens very quickly and then I drop it just as quickly as I picked it up. Some funny obsessions I've had, the time I wanted to be a goat farmer or sew clown dolls for a living or redecorate my office into a African straw hut. yeah those are the things I've never actually been able to get to but there are other things I go in and out of obsession over, sewing projects, scrapbooking, global issues, music, computer games stuff like that. When I am in one of these "obsessions" as I am calling them I don't think about a lot else and a lot of the regular day to day things I should do get left undone. I mean I really devote myself to the obsession. Whether or not these obsessions are good for me or not I don't know.... I guess too much of anything can be a bad thing.... but there is one thing I know is great to be obsessed over and that is GOD... I want to be obsessed about God, More of him and less of me.
So this is my thought and challenge for this week - Become obsessed with God.

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