Friday, September 26, 2008


So it's been a few months since I blogged and it's been on my mind to blog for a while but I really wasn't knowing what to write. Well today I have something.
Emotional - It has been happening in prayer lately or when I start to talk about God with someone, I start to feel emotional, even at just hearing his name. It is almost like I can feel the Spirit in the room and then like my senses converge and don't know what to do so I feel the urge to cry or like this morning I just flat out bawl my eyes out. I knew that was coming for a while because in a way I had been holding out on letting it all out, or was that letting it all in. I suppose it was both. So much has been going on in our church theses days, to put it mildly and I realize the task of faithfully serving and loving our church has never been more pressing, than at this time. Which means I need to be spending a lot more time flat out before God. and at times that just seems overwhelming.
There is so much more I could say about letting it all out and letting it all in but it's late and I'm going to bed.

I have no challenge today but to myself - Pray!

Photo courtesy


Anonymous said...

As I read your blog today I couldn't help but cry myself. I usually an emotional person has held so much inside..
My heart aches for You and Ben but fills with joy to see that the two of you not only love each other so deeply (as stated in your previous blog) but have such an incredible passion for our church. REST in the Lord..let him cry with you...and know that there are people praying for you and with our mighty Lord on our side we will come together and claim victory!

Thinking of you both!

Martha said...

I really want to leave a comment but I am not sure I have the words. We love you guys so much and are so thankful that our church has been blessed by a couple that truly loves the Lord and are willing to be vulnerable to Him and to the church. God is definitely with you! I too have been feeling much more emotional about God in the last several months and I really think that He will be moving mountains in our church. He has plans and it is exciting!

Sister C said...

Thanks Kim and Martha for you comments, Beauty and Blessing to you both.