Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My love

I am not the mushy type and my mom has often gott'n on my case(in a kindly way) for not being romantic enough. LOL I suppose back in the dating days, with Ben, I was a little more romantic, writing poetry and sending love notes and all. Well, nowadays the love notes are few and far between, But my oh my do i love him;) LOL (Hi Honey) and I say it to him at least once a day. Anyway, from then to now and after all our years together, What is love? I had a friend say to me "I just don't know what love is anymore." and it got me thinking. I know love in so many ways in my life. What Ben and I started out on, in fact what we all started out on when we met our Significant other, was a passion and feeling we called love. It came so naturally in the beginning and then after the love note/mushy stage, the work began. Love became a choice. So What is love? Love is a feeling and a choice.... yeah that choice to love has not always been easy for me, been a few bumps in our marriage, but as I write this I have a trickle of Joy in my eye, to say I love my Love so much.(now i am getting mushy) We pushed through some hard times. I wonder how I possibly deserve this wonderful love in my life, Ben is so good to me, a wonderful husband.
For you and me, when hard times come and when the feeling of love is in rare supply we have to choose to love. The truth is, to make it through the hard times we don't even have the strength on our own, we need God. We need God right from the beginning because the real-back-to-the-basics answer to the question "What is love?", is - God is Love. And if or when we separate ourselves from God by not walking with him, we separate ourselves from knowing love and then it becomes harder and harder to choose to love our spouse. I know that is how it happens for me, in all my relationships, when I don't walk with Love(God), it becomes difficult to walk in love. So my challenge to you is to, first, keep connected to the source of love,God, and don't forget it! Then love the one God gave you and none other, tell them how much you love them and act on it. And third, keep choosing to love even when it's hard.
For me, I praise God as I close this entry because He is the one to credit for my wonderful life, my wonderful Love.
One last note - I Love you Ben!


Anonymous said...

Cindy, your comments mirror my life experience. I can say that after 28 years the love that Carol and I had was wider and deeper than I (and she) could ever have imagined in those early passion/mushy days (fun though they were :).

When your beloved is taken away you realize just in how many places they had filled in cracks and gaps in your life and changed you in so many ways.

I have realized that the love one experiences in a healthy marriage is intended to point to the true source of love; the hard to fully grasp; too good to be true but isn't; the amazing love of our true Father for each us.

The strongest force in the entire universe.

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm(with a smile!)! Love this post! I also feel truly blessed to be loved by an amazing man and I don't ever want to take it for granted! I am more in love with him now than I was when we were first married and I know I owe it all to God! God is love and He is truly amazing!

Sister C said...

Peter- thanks for your comment and I am glad it resonated with you. I can't really image or know how you feel, but I am sure it must be overwhelming at times, joyfully remembering the love that you shared and yet always feeling the great sadness of losing her.
She was a wonderful woman....
I like what you say about a good marriage pointing us to what God's love is like and that is the miracle of a God centered marriage, and I too have experienced that.

Martha - Good to hear you loving your man and giving thanks to the True Giver.

Anonymous said...

What a great post Cindy! You hit it on the nail. We need God present in our life for our marriages to work. I am not a mushy type either, so I have to remind myself to say "I Love You" more often. Me & John sent love notes in the beginning of our relationship as well. Now our relationship is so much more & we have had our share of rough times too! We are one with God, we fully depend on God & have faith in Him. When we steer away from Him, thing's fall apart. John is my true love because we both have God & God is love!

Anonymous said...

Cindy, I too say thank-you for posting such a thought provoking blog. Sometimes my expectations are so high for Wes that it's not always fair. He loves me in so many ways and I need to be more thankful for that. One thing I know for sure and it's like you said, when I am closer to God my marriage is happier. I have heard that many times but it's nice to be reminded. Thanks, for sharing.