Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thoughts from the weekend

This weekend we had a very good speaker David MacFarlane at our EMMC Conference Gathering. He challenged and inspired. I am trying to find a way to capture what was said briefly .... I don't know for sure what to say because he said so much. Maybe I will do this...

This is what I am thinking and feeling-
- I love to talk with other Christians about faith and mission and Jesus
- I love to pray with people and I need to listen to the Holy Spirit more, it's so rewarding when I do.
- I want to plan community outreach, anyone want to brainstorm ideas?
- I want to share Jesus with people, up to this point I've really sucked at it.
- I want to move to Quebec and start a missional community and ...
- I want you to join us, could we really send a team out within the next 5 years?
- I can't wait till 2 years from now when we all meet again
- I saw the beauty in the gathering of Christ followers
- I am glad for a rest, it was a full weekend


Niki said...

So glad it was a good weekend! It went well, I take it?

Peter said...

I went to listen last week at our local bookstore to a discussion on how we can make a difference in our community on social justice issues.

I came away inspired by what I heard about how some Abbotsford area churches are seeing a vision for what could be and taking small steps to make a difference.

I continue to ask God what he wants me to do. I am actively waiting/listening for the answer.

I share your thoughts and dreams (well except about moving to Quebec - OK I will move to Quebec but God needs to make that REAL clear :).

I need to really work on my skills in obeying in all the little things - that is where I need to start (again).


Ben said...

Cindy I agree that is was a great weekend. I love what you are thinking and feeling.

Martha said...

It was a good weekend! I am with you with the outreach idea. Quebec? That we would need to hear loud and clear!