Friday, November 24, 2006

Ask why

As part of a class I am taking we did a learning style survey, I have done these surveys before but this time I really came across something. I realized asking WHYis part of my personality .... it has really been an important question all my life. And through this survey I see finding purpose in everything is part of my personality.

I ask....
Why do I do what I do?
Why do I wake up on a Sunday morning and go to church?
Why do I care about people?
Why are we pastors?
Why should churches unit and work together?
Why am I teaching English?
Why do I write in this blog?
Why do I exist?

And I don't always settle with the pat answer.

I question it all and I like to find the purpose for living and exisisting in every situation. Sometimes I am sure I have irritated people .. sorry(but not too sorry). I have found it very freeing to ask. And you can't even imagine how freeing it has been to find out why I ask why so much LOL one question I have been asking of myself for ages.

I don't know the answer to all the why's but I will ask it till I die. I don't only ask why of myself but I do of others too, not in a judging kind of way but in a challenge to learn and grow.

I ask of you:
Why are you reading my blog?
Why do you care about me?
Why do you go to church every Sunday? Why don't you?
Why are you friends with who your friends with?
Why do you exist?

Sometimes the answer is simple and other times the answer is more complex or even impossible(for the time being) to know.

And by the way asking "Why do I/you exist?" for me is not a negative doubting we have purpose in life question ... I know there is an answer and I sincerely ask.

You don't have to answer me but think about it, and ask why?


Anonymous said...

Nice blog Cindy! Since it was attached to one of your e-mails I thought I'd check it out, although somehow it feels voyeuristic...but I enjoyed reading your thoughts!

It's been really good getting to know you guys more through the refugee of the "side" ways that God has been so good through this adventure with the newcomers! Thanks for your heart and passion for others...i give thanks to the One where it comes from!


Anonymous said...

Great Blog Cindy..........never stop asking Why it is part of who you are and I love that part.
You truly are Jesus with skin on to me.


Sister C said...

Thanks Dar and B you both are a great encouragment to me.
Dar I didn't know what voyeuristic ment so i went to look it up.... OH MY.... LOL. somthing very fasinating about seeing peoples lives through this new kind of window. I know people need to know they are not alone in their struggles and not that I have that many but what I know to share I do all for the glory of God.

Cam said...

Hey stranger. I read your blog because I find that you have some truly inspiring things to say (from time to time). I peek in to look for inspiration from time to time.

I'm also waiting to see when the "Blog Honeymoon" wears off, and you start to only post once a month...

Sister C said...

I think to be inspirational all the time would be exhausting anyway so best to leave it at time to time LOL

I never made any promise about how often I'd post so take what ya get buddy.

Thanks for the encouragement Cam it was nice to hear from you.