Friday, December 01, 2006

Let him be

This morning I was reading in Mathew and the command to love the lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and mind and to love others as yourself stood out. I meditated on it for a short while and then went on with getting the kids ready to go to the dentist(big family dentist visit this . I have had a busy week and Ben has had a busy week and we both have taken our turns being..well.... edgy and irritable. This morning, I noticed Ben was.... well still stressed and as I am sure you can guess I was very sympathetic because I have been there too..NOT... sorry to burst your wonderful opinion you had of me but selfish me is all thinking "Why can't he just get over this funk and be happy so my day can go better..I'm feeling great today because my stressful parts of the week are over and so he should just suck it up and move on." Lucky for me my mouth stayed closed and the Holy Spirit drew me back to the words he showed me only an hour or so earlier..... my selfish nature shrank back and I thought what if that where me, if I was stressed and he was haven a good day? I heard God say(in the subtle voice of God) "let him be and instead ask him how you can help him deal with the stress, for his sake not for yours."

It's a good thing I let God drive this morning. I really notice when i take time for God and how that affects my day.

Please remember this command next time you meet me and I'm edgy and irritated. LOL

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