Thursday, February 22, 2007

Back to this am I

I feel like every small task is a chore these days, I really lack joy and purpose it feels. I have been here before, this is a feeling I know and I think I am on to what the root of the problem is..... I need some God juice to motivate me, I've been slacking off on my time with the king and it's starting to show.
Time with God is so important I know this but yet to take the time is so difficult, there is a constant battle within me. Pray for me.


Kris said...

You got it prayer is on the way!

Sister C said...

Thanks gals I always know you're there for me. This afternoon I did this massive clean of the house and right in the middle I took time to pray and sing --out loud -- been a while since I did that and it felt good. Now the house is clean and I feel a little more energized. I know your prayers where heard and answered.

Sister C said...

It's been a week and I feel a lot better. I spent time each day with God praying and connecting. It is so rewarding. I feel his energy. Thanks again for your prayers.