- Woke up to the sound of singing -5:30 I think
- I check that my mosquito net has stayed tucked in - yes it has
- I see Joelle is awake too
- There is someone talking below us, they are getting ready to go out in their truck
- Joelle and I have to go to the washroom ( it is to the left and down a few stairs)
- We remember to grab a fist full of tp on the way down. No toilet paper in the bathrooms plus you can't flush the toilet paper, so we have to carry it to the garbage can. (Now that is gross!)
- I think of how happy I am to have sitting toilets instead of the usual squat toilets you see in Asia, a real luxury in a refugee camp I am sure.
- We get back to out beds, tuck in our nets and hope to sleep a little more
- I listen to the Bible on my Ipod. Revelations and Psalms.
-About 6:30 we are all up and milling around the hut. Most of the time we spend gazing down out of our hut at the activity happening below
- I make the beds and fold the nets up for the day.
- The students from the Bible school that bring us our meal see that we are awake so they bring us a noodle dish for breakfast.
- We try to eat the noodle breakfast but it's just not normal to us.
- We force Joelle to eat 5 more noodles
- 7:30( maybe) we see a group of boys below spinning their tops on the ground so we watch them
- We get out some foam/plastic toy airplanes that we brought along and we sling them out the window in their direction. They seem pleased and shoot them back at us. The planes go up and down, up and down and then get stuck in the trees but the boys get them out no problem.
- Dr. Simon( who we have been waiting for, for 2 days) came out of the Bible school building and called us over to visit.
- He asks Ben to share in Chapel tomorrow, and possibly share in a class or two today
- At 8:30 we go to chapel, upon arrival we are taken to sit on the stage facing the students beside those leading and preaching in the chapel.
- A dog that looks a lot like Zeke's-Miniature-refugee-self with a tail walks in and meandered though the people. No one seemed to notice him, except for me of course.
- A Karen man preaches for 30-40 minutes
- The girls sat pretty good. I kept thinking of how amazing our girls really are for being displayed like this, they only need a few reminders to sit decently and not pick on themselves(something they seem to do a lot these days when bored) they are such great girls.
- At the end of the chapel Ben introduces us.
- Dr Simon has changed his mind he has now asked Ben to teach all day.
- I got hooked up with a computer -yeah!
- I use the Internet to send a few emails - good but frustrating on a mac
- The girls do origami and Ben prepares for the day of teaching
- A large bug has been found on the stairs going down to the bathroom. Ariel saw it first and came calmly saying to was a tarantula, Ben went to look, he then called me over for an opinion on it's identity. I looked at it and said "it's probably a large cockroach." but in my mind I though spider for sure. We sprayed the uncertain bug with raid to be sure it was dead.
- Someone came to get Ben and he went down the hill to teach
- It is hot enough to take a cold bucket shower. The water sometimes runs out early in the afternoon, if it doesn't rain, so it is a good time to go anyway. I go down the stairs (past the dead ???) to the shower room that is just for us to use. I spray the room with raid first so the mosquitoes won't bite me. My neck tenses up from the first dump of water but after a few more buckets I can easily relax. To be clean and cool feels nice.
-On the way back up I identify that the dead insect is in fact a large spider -probably a tarantula
- (about 10 am) I wash all our dirty cloths by hand in the sink and hang them out to dry on the clothes line we have brought along
- I take a picture of Ben teaching.
- About noon Ben returns from his class and lays down for a nap while we wait for lunch to arrive
- The girls are still doing origami and creating toys with sticks and duct tape
- Waiting....hungry.
- (12:30 about) lunch has arrived, it is a large spread, again, of spicy meat and bean sauces, and Ariel's favorite soup that she likes to mix with her rice.
- As we finish lunch a young man showed up at our door. We invite him in. We talk about life here for him - he is in his 4th year at the bible school and he plans to help the people along the border regions when he graduates. He has lived here without his parents since he was 12. He tells us about how he became a christian here at the camp and wants to go back to Burma to tell his Buddhist family about Jesus.
- at about 1:00 another student shows up to get Ben for teaching again, he also invites me.
- I go for a while to watch Ben, of course he is doing a great job.
- Ariel came to get me, a woman has arrived at our hut and wants to take their picture. I walk back to the hut and the woman is talking to the girls in Karen, smiling at them and patting and stroking them. We find out her name is Mumu, she is 66 and has 8 children. She give the girls some home made rice crackers and I take the picture she requested. The girls graciously eat the crackers. She kisses the girls and hugs them and then says a blessing over them. She was so cute -old lady cute. The girls can't wait to tell Ben about Mumu.
- Some time in the afternoon I return to Ben's class, while I am there I ask the students questions about their future plans. They all plan on ministry but they say it is all what the Lord wills. One that stood out to me was "I want to be world leader in Peace."
- I left the class and found some boys playing Chinlo below our hut, something I had wanted to learn ever since I heard about the game. Ariel comes down and we learn Chinlo together. Other children joined in, though we can't speak the same language, we understand each other. I could see that they were thrilled to teach us. (Its got some similarities to hackysack)
- Ariel's turn for a cold bucket shower, she won't go in without me.
- It is so hot today, I wish it would rain and cool this place.
- A lady named Esther comes to visit. We talk for while about her 3 older sons, her past and present life. It is interesting and moving.
- Our friend Winner walks by the hut and I borrow his phone to make some calls to make arrangements to leave the camp tomorrow.
- Ben comes back at about 4 o'clock so we decided to go to the orphan home with our paint supplies and balloons
- I was sure I knew the way to the orphan home from when we went last time
- We get lost.
- Amazingly(God's leading I am sure) we happen across our new friend Winner, who showed us the correct way to go
- At the home Ben makes balloon animals and I give the children the art supplies and start them painting. The kids were reserved and shy to begin with but they don't take long and they open up with smiles and interact with us.
- Before we leave we pray with the children and for their future.
- We arrive back at our hut and supper has already been set on the table with a big net over it to protect it from the bugs. Among the food there are some strange things this time, a small oval shaped veggie, with a hard shell and seeds inside - tastes awful! ( I spat it out) There is also an unidentifiable meat ..hhhmmm? ... but it tastes good.
- The water has run out by now but there is enough in the large tub we filled for Joelle and Seraya to shower.
- A lady who works at the bible school stops by for a visit.
- Not sure what time it is but by now the sun has gone down and it is dark out.
- Ben reads to the kids while I do some writing.
- We keep the light on only until the gathering bugs drive us crazy.
- I put the nets down and spray inside them in case something has found it's way in throughout the day.
- It is time to sleep, we all climb into our own beds with nets and tuck them in under our mattress'. Ben sleeps closest to the door and I sleep on the other side of the girls. Normally I enjoy this time of day- time to sleep but I can't say I enjoy it here in the Jungle, sleeping this far away form Ben on a hard mattress and pillow. I hope sleep comes quick.
- End of a day in a refugee camp bible school with the Karen in Thailand
*the next morning when we woke-up the "thought to be dead unofficially identified spider" was mysteriously gone*
1 comment:
Thanks again for an interesting read about your experiences! I don't know how much I would have relaxed and slept there - good for you for sticking it out!
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