Sunday, May 27, 2007

Betty and India

My prayer partner and mentor Betty and her husband went to India last month and I was very interested in some things she said when she returned. I asked her if I could share some of her thoughts with you and she said yes.
Absolutely amazed at the FOCUS of the Christians.
The Sole purpose of the Christians is to reach India for Jesus.
Church is never there for itself….always in the business of multiplying
208,920 people are on a waiting list to get the training to be church planters.
Each person we met seemed passionate about what they are doing... lay people who seem so focused on reaching others.
My struggle now is what do I do with what I have experienced. I so desire the passion I saw in the people, but just don't know how to live that kind of passion here. I/We seem to have so many wants and plans that just don't seem to leave any room for God. So many times our focus is not on God. Being a Christian often just seems to be a ticket to Heaven. Not a life changing, consuming, central part of who we are.
Thanks Betty for your inspiration.
My bones cry out for more meaningful impact on the world too. In God I will search for the answers I seek.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How Insightful!