Thursday, May 03, 2007

I'll be on the moon by noon...

..and back by supper.
I love creativity, I love passion. I am told I am a creative person and I have passion. I haven't always agreed but this week I know it is true, right now in my life I am experiencing an overload of creative thoughts and passion. It wouldn't be so bad if it was for one idea but NO! It feels like every 5 minutes I have a new plan or idea that I am ready to dedicate my day/summer/ or even life to(or at least 5 minutes). If creativity was a throttle and passion was the gas, I am flat out heading across the universe and 300 KM/hr. My mind resembles that of a mad scientist or something. The creative switch in my brain is stuck in the on position and I am exhausted. So you're thinking "Wow! she must get a lot done!" ... Nope, I have become unable to accomplish anything. What can i do? I am praying for focus and passion for one idea. surely all this can not be wasted on my crazy mind and never come to anything good. I am praying that God will help me harness this .....(whatever it is).. and turn it in the right direction.

I am generally very busy. I think I may be experiencing a slow week.

Speaking of creativity I want you all to see this video clip, if you have the time. He is very easy to listen to and his message is much needed in the education system. See it at Ben's blog.


Ben said...

Your creativity and passion are totally awesome. I love it.
Keep thinking and being creative - and don't be afraid if you fail.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ben, you are a creative & passionate person. I think you should just go with it! You can give me some of that creativity?