Tuesday, May 15, 2007

normal vs. radical

"Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world."
Joel A Baker

I'm praying for my vision and action to have a head on collision

God is leading me into a time of spiritual renewal. I have lived 15 years not wanting to be mediocre .... if not already i will soon arrive at mediocre if I do not make some course changes now. I have not let God have all of me. I long to be normal but yet I long to be radical. The problem is "normal" is conformity to this world and that is what my flesh desires. "Radical" is what God teaches me to be in scripture. This is the battle that wages in me. I read about and listen to people who blow my mind in regards to being radicals, they changed the world as we know it and I long to see what God could do if only I was as dedicated to him as I am to my selfish desires. I need the vision and the action.
"Our instinctive inclination is to protect our time and energy, even hoard it. Yet just a casual read of the New Testament reveals that Jesus lived his life giving himself away."
Aurthur unknown
Could I live to give myself away?
If you do anything, think anything because of reading this do not think of me but return to your own spiritual need to be renewed, seek God, let God show his Glory through you in this day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading this post!