Friday, October 28, 2011

Keep the Sabbath

Ahhhh... Sundays. I look forward to Sunday's. In the morning I go to church to see my friends and fellow church goers, to worship God with my family, to hear my husband preach and to see the youth in my Sunday school department. I love it. I love Sunday afternoon's too because I can take a nap and rest(without guilt of being lazy) and do something different than all other days in the week. Sundays just seem so perfect to be restful on. It's my rest day, my sabbath day.

Last Sunday I decided not to take a rest, I felt the work load for the week was big and I had high expectations for us to get this renovation done, we're so close to being done. After church I worked on house work and renovations. I cleaned and sorted all afternoon and I paid for it in exhaustion all week. Ya it was busy, that's why I should have rested. I think I see why God designed a rest day for us, we need it. Ben and I both got worn out and overwhelmed.

Lesson learned - Take a sabbath day and rest on it.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The secret to contentment

I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Phil 4:12-13

Meditating on this verse

-fed and plenty are about life when all is good, it's not just about enough food and material items. It's about the people surrounding you that love you and the energy, emotions and confidence to do may things.

- need, hungry and want are not just about the lack of food and items. This is about all the holes and valleys in life, the loss of loved ones, the energy drain of illness or age, the lemons of life.

No matter what the situation is, the secret code to access contentment is found only in acknowledging that God gives the strength for any and all of life. When we forget that, we look inward and find we are weak and focus on what we can't do. Look at God and see his strength and you will be content, you'll be capable of things you never thought you could do.

That's what I'm learning.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


What happens when you get old?
Do you feel it?
Do you feel it the moment it happens?
Is there a moment when you say "a minute ago I was young and now, in this minute I am old?"
When does it happen?

I was wounded in my confidence a few years ago and I did not recover quickly. I felt hurt and defeated and it lived as an under current in my life for a long time, even into today. It's really why I stopped blogging weekly so long ago. I doubted my place in the blogging world. As a kid I would have been over it the next day, as an adult I was set back. I'm disappointed that I was so affected I wanted to let it roll off more easily I wanted to not care. But I did. Maybe it's big people big problems or maybe - I got old.

Is old inevitable?
Is old a date in the future ... or in the past.
Some might say it's a process.
Be careful --- Don't confuse old with age
Age is the inevitable second by second journey we all live
Old is a choice maybe?

When I look back over the last few years I see I acted old in the whole deal, I did not choose to be like a child. I can blog when I feel free like a child, I can't blog when I feel old. Young is willing to be vulnerable and take risks, old is fearful and concerned about the can'ts and the worry that respectable people don't let others know too much about what's going on inside and certainly do not air their dirty laundry.Old is a thing that happens when young is no longer practiced.I don't want to be old.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


What is up with you people? -Begging me to blog..... I think you like me better than I like myself....... it's been sooo long, you think I still have stuff left to say? ..... I think you beleive in me more than I beleive in myself. What would I say if I started to blog again and where would I get the time? (Are these pathetic excuses or what.).... It's been so long(did I say that already), I sold packaged of my day to other activities by now and I am no longer the loaf-around-the-house-girl who once had time to blog weekly ......really that was me? I had time for that?..... I made time for it....I enjoyed writting. I could do it again ...I want to.... I want to want to. Could I really do it? ...hmmm .. It inspires me that you like me and that you want me to write. It makes me think I can do it again....I can make time again to do it.
Thanks for the confidence. Thanks for the kick in the pants.