Thursday, October 26, 2006

Got bitten...

If your expecting some wild riveting story about some rabbit dog roaming viciously about the street and how I heroically defended some innocent child form being eaten by the mangy thing and in the mean time got a nasty bit which has left me feverish and bed ridden .. Well you are looking at the wrong blog. Spontaneous is his name and yes he roams my street.. Watch out.

Ben and I, we like to .... or rather tend to do things spontaneously. We have never planned that far in advance for holidays and well this time spontaneity bit us in the butt. A few days ago we began planning for a sunny getaway for just the 2 of us, planning on leaving in 2 weeks. oh how nice it would have been.....**dropping shoulders and hanging head low****..... Our pass ports expire in 4 days *** smashing head against street sign*** why do we not plan in advance!!!

Ok so we will still go but it will be in January.


Anonymous said...

Very funny and unforetantely very true.

Milt said...

LOL! Hopefully it will work out for you later.