Sunday, February 08, 2009

Just Breathe

Do you ever call God daddy?.... I don't it just seems strange.
Or how about this one
When talking to your dad or husband do you say "man" in the place where you might say his name or "hun"? or to your wife say "woman come here?" **advice from a woman -that one might not get a response or at best a negative one**
Your answer to the second is probably "NO". That's true for our house too I don't say to the kids "Go ask man." or "Go tell man it's noon and time to get out of bed." or "Where's man I need my feet rubbed."... :)
So what do these two questions have in common?
Ben pointed something out to be the other day that I want to share with you.. **Some of you have probably known this for years and this won't be a newsflash**
"God" is God's being title like "man" is Ben's title or "woman" is my title, why wouldn't we call God, when speaking to him, by a more intimate name than a being title, if he in fact is more intimate to us than that. God is so close to me I feel His presence, I would call him intimate. Jesus is a good personal name and I definitely call on Jesus but I mostly speak his name as "God" still. So if daddy is strange then here are some ideas- Father, Abba or Yahweh could work. I like Abba it means - "Oh father, or daddy" in Hebrew. I'll have to get used to that I think but I think it is worth the change, at least in most cases. What do you think?

Ben also taught me a prayer that also brings God..I should say Abba.. more intimate. I'm not sure where he picked it up but it is very practical and I'm going to call it "Just Breathe".

It all happens in one deep breath. It starts with breathing in and as you inhale you softly say "Abba" (it's almost as if your body softly says it on its own) and as you exhale you softly say "I am yours." or anything you need to give to God if it has 2-5 ish syllables it should work. Keep saying the prayer until the worries subside or say it as you fall asleep.
**I am not a professional at this I just tried it a few times**

My example of how I have used this already - these past few days I've been thinking a lot about my sister and brother in their situation. Instead of worrying, I Just Breathe "Abba, They belong to you."

I find it a good way to release to God and to put things into perspective.

Remember "Don't worry be happy!" **Flash from the past**
Cindy's words......
"Don't worry Just Breathe!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cindy...I needed that. My prayer today and even right now as I type is "Abba she belongs to you". Another prayer that comes out of my mouth a lot lately is "Jesus I need you".