Tuesday, September 26, 2006

2 boys

I feel so good today, I am really happy to be alive. Praise the lord for life.

I had a dream that I was adopting 2 boys last night and the weirdest thing today is that every time I see a boy I am drifting off dreaming that i could actual adopt a few boys.. weird I know. Just wondering if anyone out there has two boys or one if that's all you have, that I can adopt. LOL I really would do it.

I just asked Ariel's friend that is over(a boy) if I could adopt him and he laughed and said "Noo, have your own!" LOL not gonna happen, and I knew that is what you where thinking too, so just to set you straight our baby factory is closed for business.

oh praise the Lord for good fun(with or without those two boys).


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy
If you are serious - my friend was fostering 2 boys ages 4 and 2 and a baby girl (all siblings) But had to give them up. I could get her to contact you.

Sister C said...

Anonymous, I would consider looking into it if I knew a little more about who you are and where you're coming from?

Anonymous said...

Child and Family services could be of help if you are thinking about such...

Sister C said...

This the things my friends the opportunity would have to nearly drop in my lap, I am not going to presue this, if God wants us to have more kids He is going to have to make all the moves or show great signs and wonders. A random dream and a feeling is not sending me adopting.. LOL I have a lot of those dreams and feelings. LOL