Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Funny - from my kids

Some day my kids are going to hate me for having a blog, but they make me laugh, I can't help but tell you about them.

Some of the things that make me laugh are the words my children mix up, or what they think is being said is not what really is being said. So funny what they say

My kids have all honestly said these

Tomatoes for Potatoes (they still get them mixed up) "Tomatoes and gravy."
crotches for crutches (We didn't correct his one for a while it was too funny)
6 white boomers sung as 6 white bloomers (from the Australian Christmas tune)
grill cheese are girl cheese at our house (the burnt ones are boy cheese)
"O Tannenbaum" sung distinctly as "oh tiny bum" (that was definitely sung for me ;P)
french immersion was french inversion (this took a while to correct, lol)
annoying and ignoring always getting mixed (One pestering the other in the back seat, "Mommy, she's ignoring me!")
pimple for Pupil (heard this one today)


Ben said...

Cindy you missed one of my favorites:
French immersion was also "french and virgin".

Sister C said...

Oh LOL I never heard that one. That is too funny.

Unknown said...

When our Paige was little, before going swimming, she would ask us to help her get her "baby soup" on (bathing suit).

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the "crotches" one, don't they live in a mennonite town? Sounds right to me :)

I'll have a Coke please said...

In our house it was fun tacks instead of contacts. Mary and Jofus. I'm sure there are others but one memorable one was Pee-in-the-potty cookies. (peanut butter cookies)