Monday, December 21, 2009

Mark 3

Jesus is not so interested in keeping a list of rules, he has his Fathers business in mind, which in this first story(v.1-6) includes Jesus healing a man on the Sabbath, which was considered work by the rule keepers. Jesus is concerned about reconciling the world to right not keeping rules, even to the point of taking great risks(the pharisees are now plotting to kill him because he does this) As I read this I wonder am I willing to take great risks to do the work of reconciliation? Risk like Jesus did?.... Lord make me willing to do your will no matter what it might do to my "image".

What questions do I have after reading this chapter?
V. 12 Why did Jesus not want the evil spirits to say who he was?
V. 14 Did Jesus only give power to preach and authority of demons to the apostles? Or was that also given to other believers?
V. 29 What does eternal sin mean?
V. 34, 35 Does biological family really mean nothing to Jesus?

* For those in the Young Moms Bible Study that are following along here, I just want to make a note about the lists of questions we gave you, feel free to deviate from those questions, as you can see I don't follow them. I actually have found it difficult to follow them. The point is to find what works for you and do it and learn from scripture.


Sharleen said...

I would really like to hear some of thoughts on the Mark 3:20-30 passage. I have struggled with what is meant here. Can Christians commit the unpardonable sin? What is it?

Sister C said...

I ask this question every time I read it too. I really am not sure on an answer, maybe we can hope someone comments who is enlightened on the subject. but for me I see so much forgiveness in Jesus I don't see how someone who would genuinely repent from anything, would not be pardoned. Maybe this verse is about those that blaspheme right to the last second and never repent. I really don't know enough to say.