Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mark 6

For those of you that might be just joining me, I'll let you know, I am reading and journaling through Mark over the holidays and I'm hoping you'll join me in doing the same. I really appreciate the accountability.
I will be taking a 2 day blog break on the 25th and 26th, so you have time to catch up if you're behind.

My random thoughts on Mark 6
V.1-6 Faith is a big deal. These people in Jesus home town did not see him like others did and they lacked faith. To them Jesus was just too familiar, he'd just always been around, part of their life. And it seems that because of his familiarity to them he was nothing too special, and so they didn't have faith in him. As I am writing this I am noticing something similar between the people in Jesus home town and my experience from a Christan upbringing and this predominately Christian town. When one has grown up in a Christian home the freshness and excitement of Jesus is often missing, he's just always been there. I hear it all the time from young people when talking about their testimonies, "My testimony is boring, I grew-up in a Christian home, I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 3, I never did anything really bad.blah blah blah..." The realization of Jesus' power is missing, the realization and expectation of a miracle is missing. There is nothing wrong with knowing Jesus from child up but I guess the question is - How do we keep being captivated anew with radical faith in a "Jesus bubble", where Jesus is familiar and has always been there? How do you create an expectant faith filled atmosphere as we raise our kids? (I'll have to explore this father in a future blog post)
V. 34 Jesus has compassion on them. I love these words about Jesus.
V. 46 Jesus need to get with his father again and so he makes the time for it.
V. 48 Funny that Jesus was about to pass by them, wasn't he heading to them? Maybe he was playing a joke on them?
V. 56 "All who touched him were healed." Amazing, Jesus these stories are amazing, I want to see action like this in our time too. There are so many sick and hurting people in our day too, if we have faith can these events take place in our time? Are they happening? Where? How? Lord help me to have faith. Increase the healing in our day.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Hi Cindy,

Merry (belated) Christmas to you and your family.

Wanted to leave a comment so you know that someone is out there listening :).

Just a comment on your first part about growing up in a Christian home. Tim Keller in his book The Prodigal God (aka the story of the prodigal son) (which I HIGHLY recommend) talks about two kinds of lost people - the younger brother and the elder brother. It turns out we can be lost in two ways: one is by breaking all the moral laws and setting your own course and the other by keeping all the moral laws and being very, very good. Read the book for context.

I think those of us (that's me) that grew up in a christian home suffer from older brother syndrome to varying degrees. The truly scary thing is that the younger brother knew he was lost and needed help but the older ...

We get captivated anew by Jesus when we truly understand our lostness and what Jesus came to do. Then we get to fall in love with him again. And life's journey then really begins.

