Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mark 9

V.4 Have you ever seen a dead person? Or a ghost? The disciples see Jesus converse with this 2 dead guys. It just seems so weird.
V. 15 Jesus is treated like a superstar, but he ignores it and goes straight to the issue at hand in verse 16.
V 19 Jesus is tired of their unbelief, they love his miracles so much but they lack faith and he is frustrated it seems, but he always has compassion.
V. 23 "Everything is possible for him who believes" Jesus says. I hear these words in my life too, and I echo with the boys father in verse 24 "I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief." Jesus I need your help for so many things.
V. 30,31 Jesus takes his disciples on a retreat. Cool.
V. 35-37 Jesus teaches them again about what he has come to do, he teaches about serving one another. Pride and selfishness have defiantly been the disease of my life, I keep trying to get rid of it but it comes back or I find more of it in my life. Jesus has said a few times in Mark about the way to greatness, it's through being a servant to all, to become like a child. Jesus' kingdom is an upside down kingdom, the way up is down. I think this all means that we need, I need to be less selfish, more serving, more grateful, more generous, relinquish more of what I think is "rightfully" mine. Like I said riding myself of it will be a life long endeavor but I think I'm on the journey anyway.


Betty said...

Sometimes I wonder what the real meaning of "everything" is in verse23?? I was also really challenged by verse 42. Reminded of Beth Moore's quote "Are others lives better because they have encountered me?" Do I leave room for Jesus to shine through, or do people just see the "good, bad and ugly"?
Also read a quote today Cindy that I know you would love and am praying that this will be our church...."Our service contains no flash or elegance, it is just family loving Him and learning to love one another".

Sister C said...

Thanks Betty for you comments.
ya 23 - everything- I hope it means everything God wants me to do he will make possible, I don't want him to make anything else possible for me.
I like the quote.

Ben said...

Betty, I love that quote. What a great prayer for our church,