Friday, January 01, 2010

Mark 11

V. 11 "he looked around at everything but since it was late he went." It seems like a strange thing to mention. He doesn't give a speech he just observes. The "but" in there makes me think he wanted to do more that just observe, but time was not available to him.
V. 12-19 Jesus goes the next day when he has the time, and he seems ticked. He "gives it" to the fig tree on the way to the temple and then he "gives it" to the buyers and the sellers and the chief priests and teachers of the law.
V. 22-25 doubt is a crippling enemy and belief in God is powerful to change things.
V. 27-33 Jesus doesn't try to defend himself, he knows it would be wasted words, instead I think by the question he asks the teachers, he is trying to show them the error in their thinking.

What does this chapter say to me? - Don't let doubt in. and ...The image of God being human, again, seems to stand out to me from verse 11 where Jesus is constrained by time. God the age less, endless, creator of time is trapped by it, as he lives as a man among us. Truly amazing that he did this for us.

Happy New year everyone!

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