Monday, March 04, 2013

How to Have Joy

1. Be thankful  - When we are thankful we complain less. Cha-ching, joy!
2. Be like a child - Forget about being an adult for a while and see what the world is like from a child's perspective. Children are joy.
3. Look up - When you walk along the way don't just watch your feet move along the pavement look up and around and into peoples windows. Something joyful will catch your eye.
4. Sing it - Instead of talking sing it in an opera voice, see how long you can go like that.
5. Remember God - Our deepest joy comes from God, Jesus is the reason to have joy even on the toughest days. Ask him to remind you of the joy you possess.
6. Give it away - The way to be happy is to make someone happy and that's a little heaven on earth right there.
7. Pause to watch - Stop somewhere random and watch the people go by, invent their stories and make it interesting. You might get a giggle.
8. Exercise - After you're done it feels so amazing. Relief has common ground with joy.
9. Listen - Listen for the sounds of creation, water, trees rustling, birds, breathing....
10. Do something hard - There is something God is asking of you but it's hard; maybe it's pray with someone, be honest about your struggles, tell someone about the work of God, forgive ..... surrender to his call.

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