Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Make life a little Funny

It's hard to be funny when you're not feeling funny, but I will try because I have 2 funny stories from  our house today.

First story is called "Wanna see something cool?"
I discovered that my new running sweater has little fold-over flaps on the cuffs to cover my hands when it's cold. I remembered this discovery as I was making the girls lunches and I wanted to show it off so I called the kids into the kitchen to show them - "Hey girls come here for a second." It took them a few seconds to come, so being the efficient mom that I am I grabbed the can opener and started open a can of mini corns. (Picture a messy kitchen with a lot of food waiting to be put away and dishes waiting to be washed. Oh and half a carton of eggs sitting open near the edge of the counter). Just as the girls arrived in the kitchen 3 things happened in very quick succession - I said " You wanna see something cool?" -my hand slipped off the handle of the can opener and hit the cartoon of eggs -the eggs and carton flew off the counter and with a splat hit the floor. We all stood and stared at it. There were no survivors ...."that is not the cool thing I wanted to show you." .....Laughter.... and now we have a few less eggs and a new quote "Wanna see something cool?"

Second story is called - Mom likes to play jokes.
I made an insane amount of puff wheat cake just as the kids were coming home from school. They all had a piece while it was still loose and sticky. Then to speed up the cooling process I laid the 2 pans on the snowbank outside. As I put them outside I told the kids not to let the dog out for the next bit. The kids went off to play and I waited till the right moment, when the kids weren't paying attention, to bring the cakes inside. I took the cakes out of their pans and placed them on a cookie sheet, then I returned the empty pans outside and let the dog out... and waited. Suddenly I heard "Oh no mom!! The dog!!" me - "oh no The dog!" ..... Am I a "bad" mother? :P
lesson to learn - Make life a little funny.

On a serious note  -pray for me to be a wise parent, it feels like a tough job today.

1 comment:

Ben said...

That is very funny.
And you are a great mom!!!!